Soul Retrievals and Trauma
Any type of trauma – emotional, physical, sexual, spiritual or psychological – can cause soul loss, where parts of our psyche become disconnected (dissociated) from our conscious self.
These fragments get stuck at that age and developmental level, while the rest of us ages. When soul parts leave because of a trauma, they take with them gifts and strengths such as how to love, trust, feel happiness, be creative and basic life energy.
Traditional shamanism says this piece of the soul “gets frozen outside of time and space” in a territory called nonordinary reality, where it waits until someone intervenes in the spiritual world and aids in its return. We can find those lost, abandoned parts and reclaim them, bringing their gifts and insights back into your conscious self.
Symptoms of soul loss: depression, addiction of any kind, chronic “stuck” patterns, chronic illness, memory loss, intense anxiety, feelings of emptiness, PTSD, relationship issues, lack of purpose in life, feeling like you don’t belong, emotional reactivity, low energy.
These fragments get stuck at that age and developmental level, while the rest of us ages. When soul parts leave because of a trauma, they take with them gifts and strengths such as how to love, trust, feel happiness, be creative and basic life energy.
Traditional shamanism says this piece of the soul “gets frozen outside of time and space” in a territory called nonordinary reality, where it waits until someone intervenes in the spiritual world and aids in its return. We can find those lost, abandoned parts and reclaim them, bringing their gifts and insights back into your conscious self.
Symptoms of soul loss: depression, addiction of any kind, chronic “stuck” patterns, chronic illness, memory loss, intense anxiety, feelings of emptiness, PTSD, relationship issues, lack of purpose in life, feeling like you don’t belong, emotional reactivity, low energy.
According to shamanic healing...
PTSD symptoms such as flashbacks and intrusive thoughts, memories and nightmares of the event are the soul part “broadcasting” its location so that it can be retrieved. The soul parts contain all the feelings and memories that were too overwhelming in the moment.
Shamanic healing has a method called a Soul Retrieval, where, through various means, the soul parts are located and returned. Traditionally, the shaman or healer would perform the soul retrieval, but this retreat teaches methods whereby participants “become their own shaman” and learn to do their own Soul Retrievals.
One need not adhere to any particular belief system for shamanic healing to be effective. Just one soul retrieval can be enough to restore harmony to some presenting issues.
With the support of my training in trauma-informed therapy, we can ensure the soul parts a safe return and easy re-integration.
Shamanic healing has a method called a Soul Retrieval, where, through various means, the soul parts are located and returned. Traditionally, the shaman or healer would perform the soul retrieval, but this retreat teaches methods whereby participants “become their own shaman” and learn to do their own Soul Retrievals.
One need not adhere to any particular belief system for shamanic healing to be effective. Just one soul retrieval can be enough to restore harmony to some presenting issues.
With the support of my training in trauma-informed therapy, we can ensure the soul parts a safe return and easy re-integration.
Benefits of Soul Retrieval
- Increased sensation in different parts of the body
- Shifts out of patterns that previously seemed unbreakable
- The return of long-lost memories
- Lessening of addictions
- Increased happiness and pleasure
- Increased sense of presence and embodiment
Power and Soul retrievals have been adopted into the form of guided visualizations for this retreat, with plenty of time for practice and process.
Because participants are more involved in their own healing, they do not have to be dependent on an external practitioner and are more empowered in their own healing.
Because participants are more involved in their own healing, they do not have to be dependent on an external practitioner and are more empowered in their own healing.
Causes of soul loss
- Abuse of any form that may be emotional, physical, sexual or mental in nature.
- Being over disciplined
- Loss (of loved ones, pets, homeland)
- Shock
- Experiencing prolonged pain, grief, or fear
- racism, sexism, heterosexism, etc.
- Painful breakups, betrayal, divorce
- Out-of-body or near-death experience
- Seeing someone die unexpectedly
- Anything that causes PTSD or CPTSD symptoms
- Being rejected or abandoned
- Intense shame or embarrassment
- Being forced to act against one’s will or morals
- Sudden accidents/injuries; surgeries
- Toxic relationships
Symptoms of Soul Loss
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Feelings of emptiness inside
- Emotional numbness
- Feelings of deep unworthiness or chronic shame
- Feelings of hopelessness, boredom, and profound dissatisfaction with life
- Lack of memories, especially for certain parts of your life
- Dissociation, (aka spacing out), feeling disconnected from your body
- Chronic “stuck” patterns (In your body, in work, relationships, etc.)
- Addictions of any kind (Substances, eating disorders, sex, shopping)
- Feeling you have lost parts of yourself, or aren’t the same as you used to be
- Mental and physical fatigue not due to a medical condition
- Codependency
- Immune deficiency issues