What is the self?
If we look for it, we cannot find it in any particular thought or any specific part of the body.
Yet it rules our world, for better or for worse!
If your sense of self is ruling your world for the worse, it probably needs some tending and management.
Together, we will explore your sense of self and identity: how it formed, what influenced it, how concrete or fluid it seems, and how it impacts our daily life. We will figure out what fed into a poor or depleted sense of self esteem, and how to nourish it so that it may heal.
Some of the methods we may use include dialectical discussions, parts work (especially Coming to Peace), guided imagery, family history explorations, insight inquiry, depth hypnosis and more.
We really can use our mind to free our mind from our own mind!
With 15 years of clinical experience and 30 years of mindfulness and meditation practice, I will join you as co-detective in solving the case of YOU!